Michael Dowd - Criminal Defense Lawyer

Capturing the essence of your company with dynamic and affordable web video

Certainly with the explosion of video on the web, your future customers will be looking for this feature when visiting your site, and why not? A well produced, affordable video, put together with a filmmaker’s expertise, is an exceptional way for them to get to know you while they learn more about your company.

Hatch Productions director, Chris Henze, has spent much of the last 2 years on the road, filming for Jeff Gibb’s, co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine”. In that time he honed film techniques and an interviewing style (based on many inside tips from Jeff) that can go a long way in capturing the essence of your company.

This means you come across with an aura of natural confidence -- in a well lit, shot and edited video featurette that makes all the difference.

If a picture is a worth a thousand words…then a web video is worth…?

Chris hasn’t quite figured out a way to calculate this, but a recent video he shot for Ford Modeling agency have received over 600 thousand views.
So and So’s resturaute business has steadily increasing
And so and so has…

Call Chris at 917-721-8953 or Don at 347-256-1344